It's Not Getting Easier....Help!

It's Not Getting Easier....Help!

Lisa Jhung
Writer and Author of Running That Doesn't Suck: How To Love Running (Even If You Think You Hate It)
August 11, 2024

If running still feels harder than you think it should, keep the faith, and try these strategies.

A lot of beginning runners become frustrated that, despite their efforts, running still feels hard. If this sounds like you, take some solace in the fact that you’re not alone. And then keep the faith.

That “runner’s high” you’ve heard about? That’s a phenomenon thought to occur after roughly 30 minutes of continuous exercise when the body releases endorphins to the brain which creates a feeling of euphoria. More recent studies chalk that feeling up to endocannabinoids, biomechanical substances naturally produced by the body and with a mood-enhancing effect.

If those feelings of running euphoria seem absolutely ridiculous to you, and every run feels instead like an uncomfortable battle that’s getting you nowhere, keep the faith that those feelings will come.

And in the meantime, try the following strategies to help get you there.

1) Slow down

This may seem obvious, and it may seem counter-intuitive when you’re trying to improve. But, chances are, if running still feels extremely challenging after a few weeks of trying to embrace it, you’re running too hard. Slowing down actual allows your muscles to utilize oxygen more efficiently, which can get you to that blissful runner’s high that comes from 30 minutes of exercise sooner in your journey than if you push the pace and suffer each time you run.

2) Breathe

While you obviously breathe anytime you run, focusing on your breath and relaxing into each breath can help running feel easier. Breathing literally transports oxygen to your muscles, and rhythmic breathing—coordinating your inhales and exhales with your footfalls, can actually make running feel easier. To learn more about rhythmic breathing, check out this story put out by the American Lung Association.

3) Shoes

I’ve written before about the importance of running shoes that are right for you, and specifically you. Having the right shoes for your running gait—how your feet hit and leave the ground—and that fit you well can make a big difference to your running comfort and enjoyment.

4) Change things up

I’m a big fan of mixing things up when in a rut. Consider changing the time of day you run, the location or surface you’re running on (track, trail, road, etc.), the company you’re with (run with a friend if you always run alone, or vice versa), what you eat before a run, or try listening to music if you never do or leave the headphones at home if you usually plug in. Changing things up can both reinvigorate a stale running routine and maybe help you find a new way to run that might click for you better than what you’ve been doing.

5) Change your focus

This is a glass-half-full vs. glass-half-empty sort of strategy. While running might feel terribly difficult for you, think about how you felt the very first workout. Chances are, running feels a little better now than it did then. Focus on that improvement, however slight it might be, and let that fuel you.

6) Assess your goal

The goal of None2Run is to build gradually into someone who can run for 25 minutes straight. Keep that goal. But also, remember that your bigger goal is to make running a sustainable part of your life. Yes, running is hard. But it’s something that can (and will, if you stick with it) become a part of your day/week that you look forward to. It can (and will) become your time to yourself, or with friends, to feel healthy, strong, and in charge of your own destiny. Stick with it!

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